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Инициативы городов

Study in Poland - programme

MSc in Biotechnology - Biofuels




3 semesters; 1,5 years (start in mid-February)



ECTS points



Graduates with a specialty Biofuels are qualified specialists of technology serving the production of components for biofuels. Their skills are associated with the production of electric power and heat based on biofuels as well as with the processing of biofuels. They understand the theoretical principles of the processes of both production and combustion of biofuels. They are well prepared in terms of data processing, electronic control and programming of technological processes in the related industry. The knowledge and skills in the use of plants and micro-organisms can be utilized in the technological processes of production and use of biofuels. In addition, the developed soft skills are apparent in their communication, teamwork, entrepreneurship and self-presentation, much desired on the labor market.


1000 euro per semester


15th December






Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice

education requirements

1. Bachelor's degree diploma (together with a supplement, if applicable) allowing to start the 2nd cycle / master studies in the country it was issued (if applicable to local H system). Diploma should be legalized or given an apostille and translated into Polish language by sworn (certified) translator.
2. Document stating that submitted diploma allows to take up the 2nd cycle / master studies in the country it was issued (if applicable to local HE system) – if such a statement is not already given on the diploma.

other requirements

Document confirming competence in English language at level B2. All major certificates (IELTS, TOEFL, British Council FCE/CAE) test with score corresponding to that level basing on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) are accepted. Requirement does not apply to English native speakers or candidates whose documents confirm education background in English spoken secondary / high school or study course.