Представлені університети


Инициативы городов

Study in Poland - programme

Лодзький університет

address: ul. Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź, Польша
phone: +48 42 635 42 37
e-mail: iso@uni.lodz.pl    internet: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl

BA in International and Political Studies, specialization: Politics and Policy in Europe




6 semesters (3 academic years)



ECTS points

183 ECTS


The speciality is focused on theories and practices of functioning of European states, regional and local entities of public life, self-government, economic and political entities, non-governmental organizations, social movements and the media. Students will get an opportunity to analyse factors influencing the dynamics of state, regional and local development. They will also develop skills, which will enable creation of strategies and evaluation in the sphere of public and social life. Students will learn about the political systems of European countries, their determinants and political mechanisms. They also get acquainted with the factors that create political cultures. A separate research area is also the characteristics of the European Union as a whole, its institutions and ways of acting. During the course students will learn how stereotypes and historical-political myths in European societies are being created and how they can influence public life. This should provide the graduate with a critical attitude. In the course of the classes students will try to create electoral slogans in order to reach a particular electorate. Theoretical basics combined with acquired and improved practical knowledge make the graduate well prepared to perform analytical and advisory functions in research centers, think-tanks, political parties.


For the updated tuition fees, please visit: http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/study-in-english/tuition-fees/


15 July 2019


For questions about the studies please contact:
Faculty of International and Political Studies
ul. Składowa 43, 90-127 Łódź, Poland
tel.: +48 42 63 54 265
fax: +48 42 66 55 687
e-mail: interul@uni.lodz.pl
In matters related to the admission procedure please contact:
International Relations Office, University of Lodz
3 Uniwersytecka Str., 90-137 Lodz, Poland
Phone: +48 42 635 42 37
e-mail: admission@uni.lodz.pl www.iso.uni.lodz.pl




Faculty of International and Political Studies

education requirements

The following documents are required (among others):
(1) a high school diploma,
(2) a high school transcript of records showing passed subjects and obtained grades,
(3) a certificate of proficiency in English for foreigners (unless secondary education was taught in English).
For detailed information about the admission procedure please visit: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl