Представлені університети


Инициативы городов

Study in Poland - programme

Лодзький університет

address: ul. Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź, Польша
phone: +48 42 635 42 37
e-mail: iso@uni.lodz.pl    internet: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl

BA in Management and Finance


Bachelor in Management and Finance


6 semesters (3 academic years)



ECTS points



The study programme described herein leads to an award of a BA in Management and Finance. The objective of this study programme is to educate specialists capable of working as middle level officers in business corporations and as assistants to top managers in various organizations, especially in business corporations. The graduates are to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to use appropriate management methods and tools, including financial and accounting techniques used for supporting management processes in a professional and ethical way. The BA in Management and Finance study programme is addressed to individuals ready to work in organizations characterized by demanding norms and standards and operating in multi-cultural, global environment. The candidates are expected to have the capacity of communicating in English as well as an openness for cooperation, ability to think logically, identify and structure problems. The candidates should be genuinely interested in economic and social processes. Graduates of the BA in Management and Finance study programme will obtain the fundamental knowledge in social sciences and will become acquainted with techniques and methods of supporting management processes in business organizations –in particular related to finance and accounting. The graduates will also obtain the skills necessary to use these techniques professionally. In particular the graduates will be capable of identifying and structuring problems of organizations. They will be capable of preparing high quality information for decision making by internal as well as external stakeholders. They will know contemporary principles governing preparation of financial statements, commonly adopted cost accounting and managerial accounting methods as well as fundamentals of financial management. The graduates will be poised to search for optimal solutions to organizational problems based on acquired knowledge and skills and to implement these solutions in a professional and ethical way.


For the updated tuition fees, please visit: http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/study-in-english/tuition-fees/


15 July 2019


For questions about the studies please contact:
International Office
Faculty of Management
University of Lodz
22/26 Matejki Str.
90-237 Lodz, Poland
phone: +48 42 635 5044
e-mail: iofm@uni.lodz.pl
Skype: study.management
In matters related to the admission procedure please contact:
International Students Office
University of Lodz
Address: ul. Uniwersytecka 3
90-137 Lodz, Poland
Phone: +48 42 635 42 37,
Fax: + 48 42 635 47 89
e-mail: admission@uni.lodz.pl www.iso.uni.lodz.pl




Faculty of Management, University of Łódź

education requirements

The following documents are required (among others):
(1) a high school diploma,
(2) a high school transcript of records showing passed subjects and obtained grades,
(3) a certificate of proficiency in English for foreigners (unless secondary education was taught in English).
For detailed information about the admission procedure please visit: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl