University of Siedlce

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach


2 Konarskiego Street, POLAND

08-110 Siedlce, University of Siedlce

phone +48 25 643 19 47
Online Recruitment System

University of Siedlce a modernstate University with a tradition since 1969, offering the possibility of obtaining degrees in 38 courses with over 50 various specializations ranging from humanities, social sciences, natural, medical, health sciences and exact sciences to management studies. Our university cooperates with the best academic, research and business institutions in the world. With its up-to-date facilities, Siedlce University provides a very favourable environment for gaining knowledge and doing research. Moreover, our students have at their disposal 4 student houses with the total of 700 rooms. All student houses are located in the close proximity to the main university buildings. They are of very high standard and are equipped with the broadband Internet.

For more details of our educational offer at all levels (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate) please visit our website at


Siedlce is situated in the east of Mazovian Province, around 100 km from Poland’s capital city Warsaw. Its location on an important international route linking Berlin and Moscow as well as its close proximity to the country’s capital contributed to a very dynamic development of Siedlce in the 1980s. With the population exceeding 80 000 inhabitants, two institutions of higher education and a variety of thriving businesses in trade, production and services, Siedlce is now one of the biggest cities in the region, both in cultural and economic terms.


Facts & figures

Established in 1969

Located in Siedlce

5 Faculties

7 000 students

friendly school for people with disabilities

about 70.000 graduates

over 20 post-diploma courses

about 500 scientists and lecturers

6 horses in University Horse Riding Center

2.500 m2 sports facilities in University Sports & Recreation Center

Summer resort in Masurian Lake District – between 2 lakes